Friday, March 11, 2016
1.They use stagnant water banks like ditches and canals, dams; wells, unsealed water tanks; long bushes and grasses: ruts on tracks, holes, trenches and poor drainage systems as their breeding sites.
2. Only a female anopheles mosquitoes bite humans and animals,It's the only genus of mosquito that spreads Malaria. A male mosquito feed on flower nectar.
3.Mosquitoes don't have teeth. The females “bite” with a long, pointed mouthpart called a proboscis. They use the serrated proboscis to pierce the skin and locate a capillary, then draw blood through one of two tubes.
4.There are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes. They hibernate and are cold-blooded and they prefer temperatures over 80 degrees. Mosquitoes spend their first 10 days in water. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at a time. Water is very necessary, They all require water to breed and also for their eggs to hatch into larvae, called wigglers.
5. Mosquitoes attacks from dusk to dawn,They are attracted to smell, warmth and carbon dioxide.
6.An adult mosquito can live 5-6 months. Males have the shortest lifespan, usually 10 days or less, and females can live about six to eight weeks,
7. Not all mosquitoes feed on humans, Some prefer hosts like amphibians or birds.
8. Mosquito mates synchronize their wing beats to perform a lover's duet. Male mosquitoes locate females by the sound of their wings. Females can beat their wings up to 500 times per second, and the males pick out the higher frequency of those beats when seeking a mate.
9.Mosquitoes generally fly below 25 feet,with a speed of between 1 and 1.5 miles per hour.
10.Mosquitoes are considered the deadliest “animal” in the world.

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